Never been to church?
You're not alone.
We’re excited you’re thinking of visiting St. George's Church Brockworth, but we also know it can be tricky to navigate everything the first time you visit. Churches come in all shapes and sizes. We want to help you in any way we can, whether it's providing someone to sit with, explaining what happens on a Sunday or just having a chat one-to-one; please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Our two Sunday services offer a very different worship experience, so we've listed some top tips to help you work out which one might best suit your visit.
Our 9am service takes place in the main Church building. There is parking along Court Road, however there is then a short walk to the building itself which cannot be accessed by car. There is a gentle incline on the approach
Services commence at 9am and will usually last one hour. You can take a seat any time from 8:45am - and it's worth being seated before 9am because the large wooden church door is sometimes pushed to when a service begins, and can be a little heavy and creaky to open on your own if you are a little late
There are always stewards around involved in the service who are happy to help you and answer any questions. Please reach out to them if you need anything or don't understand what's going on
There are no toilets in the Church building. If you need the toilet, ask a steward and they can organise for you to use the toilets at a venue nearby or at the Church Centre, which is a 5-minute walk away, so where possible you might want to 'pay a visit' before you leave home
As the Church building is old, it can get very cold, so please bring any layers you might need, and feel free to leave your coat on in church
There isn't a dress code to come into church, although you might see people dressed smartly, this is a personal choice and not compulsory. We'd just rather you came as you are. The Vicar wears robes to lead this service
Our 9am service follows a more traditional format including; liturgy and prayers from the Book of Common Prayer, a short talk/message, Holy Communion and hymns led by the organ (when an organist is available)
There is currently no separate childcare available during the service
On arrival, or on your seat, you will be given a booklet of words, also known as Liturgy. This acts as an order of service and the Vicar will lead you through it. The congregation is encouraged to join in to read the bold text. However, please don't feel any pressure to do this, you are always welcome to just observe and listen
The service includes Communion. If you don't wish to take Communion, just stay in your seat or shake your head if someone invites you to go up the front to collect it, this is perfectly normal and not something to be afraid of doing
If you would like to take Communion during our 9am service, the stewards will invite rows at a time to go to the front of church to collect a wafer and dip it in a shared cup of wine. You are also welcome to ask for a simple prayer of blessing from the vicar at this moment if you'd rather
Unless directed otherwise, the congregation stands to sing hymns or worship songs, but again this is not compulsory
At the end of the service, people remain in their seats until the Vicar has walked down the aisle and left the building. You are then invited to follow others to leave the church. When you get to the door the Vicar will be there to say "hi", greet you with a handshake, and chat if you want to, but you're equally welcome to just leave quietly
Everyone is welcome to join us in the Church Centre for a coffee/tea from 10am-10-30am every Sunday, either after the 9am service or before the 10:30am service.
This service meets in the Church Centre building, you can find information on whether our services are on each week by visiting our Facebook page or contact the church office
Our 10:30am service lasts about an hour and includes worship, Bible teaching and groups for the children to attend.
Parking is available outside and toilets are on the left as you enter the building
There is no dress code for this service, come as you are
Hot and cold drinks and nibbles will be available before the service from 10am-10:30am.
The format of this service is flexible and people are welcome to come and go as they need to
All ages and stages of life are welcome
Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month for all ages
If you have any questions the Vicar will be there (although not in his robes for this service), as well as other helpers who are more than happy to chat with you and help with anything they can
To check if both services will be going ahead on specific dates please keep an eye on our Facebook page or contact us, as it can vary throughout the calendar year.
To find out more about being a Christian, The Church of England has produced the Our Faith series of videos. They cover topics such as the importance of Sundays, prayer, and the choice to invite Jesus into your life and become a Christian.
Or why not consider Alpha? An 11-week course that creates space for people to come and discuss life's big questions. Visit the Alpha course website for nearby locations and dates.
And if you have any questions at all about visiting us, just ping us an email at, there's no question too big or too small.